You are currently viewing QUARANTINE AT HOME: BLESSING OR CURSE?


Dr. Katerina Athanasiou

The situation of #menospiti, or in other words, “quarantine” at home, is an unprecedented condition that has caused us various negative emotions: fear, anger, anxiety, impatience, a desire to react, or a desire to comply (depending on how we’ve learned to handle instructions).

Fear is the biggest enemy. We know this very well now. That’s why we replace it with responsible behavior and calmness.

#menospiti is certainly not an easy matter. For some, it’s a paradise, “a dream come true,” and for others, “hell come true,” or simply, hell! You face what you want to avoid in your home. Communication difficulties with a spouse, children with demands, parents with demands, office work with deadlines, messy rooms, home supplies, and so much more. All the things some of us avoid with too much work, constant outings, and a packed schedule. Oh yes! You know what I’m talking about…

However, #menospiti is today a necessary phase, with the condition of communication and collaboration from all of us to avoid the worst.

In this article, I will not focus on the negative emotions, but on the positive ones and how lucky we are that this happened at this specific moment in time!

You may be smiling or shaking your head mockingly now, but think for a moment:

Never before have we had so many resources, scientists, laboratories, and research centers to address the situation. The situation is manageable thanks to advanced technology and the cooperation of all of us on the planet! Never before have we been so unanimous and synchronized against a common enemy, especially in our country. We are all on the same side. That of protection and prevention. Never before has there been so much “remote socializing” through social media! What once tired us, now is our escape. Technology helps us stay connected and work remotely. We have TV, the Internet, phones, Netflix, computers, tablets—whatever you need to stay connected with those you want. Be careful not to overdo it! It’s spring, and the weather is on our side, at least for the most part. Both because it’s not cold, so we don’t need heating to stay inside, and because the wind doesn’t carry germs or viruses as easily. We can ventilate our homes comfortably, and the sunlight that comes in is beneficial for all of us. #douleyoapotospiti When else have you had the chance to stay at home while being healthy, with your loved ones, and with the blessing of your boss? Here, we smile! #douleyoapotospiti If you have children, you can take advantage of the special leave for employees caring for their children (learn more here). The same applies if you have vulnerable individuals at home. #douleyoapotospiti This crisis has become the reason for the promotion of new labor models in our country’s labor legislation, which exist throughout Europe, such as teleworking, flexible working hours, and working from home. Finally! Health & Hygiene. Thanks to the coronavirus, we have all learned to follow basic hygiene rules that we should always have. Different clothes at home than when we go outside. Good hand washing. No sneezing in someone’s face, but always with a tissue or in our elbow, frequent cleaning, etc. These habits are worth keeping in our lives. Time for introspection. Thinking about what I want to do in my life requires time and calm. Perhaps now is the time to look at what you want to change in your life, or accept what you cannot change. What do I have in my life that I enjoy? What would I like to change about myself? What works very well in my life today? What would I like to improve? How can I become better in an area that I want to?

If you need additional help, don’t hesitate to seek mental health counselors who do sessions via Skype or ZOOM to work on what’s troubling you.

Remember that this is a temporary situation, and it’s in our hands to keep it that way.

Stay inside for as long as needed. Stay safe and strong, with a positive attitude and patience!

With love,

Dr. Kate

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