Dedicated to the Friends Who Haven’t Had Children Yet…
The other day, I was with a friend who needed support because she was living through the drama of “When will I become a mother?”
Crying her heart out, she kept monologuing for about an hour:
“…All my friends have kids now (she’s 37), they don’t invite me to parties and weddings because I’m single, they’re all throwing kids’ parties and shopping for children’s gifts while I only go to Pet City for dog diapers and toys”—and other such complaints.
Relax, girls! Despair leads nowhere. Having a child is not the No.1 Prize in the World!
Yes, those of us who have children are lucky and blessed. But it’s not the only path to feeling lucky and blessed in life!
If you think that having a child will solve all your existential and psychological issues, you are gravely mistaken! In fact, that’s when they all truly begin…
Is it worth it? Of course.
But so are many other things in life. Anything that drives you crazy with passion. The things that set your soul on fire, where you truly find yourself.
Could it be that, deep down, what we seek through motherhood is to fill an empty life—one with emotional voids and meaningless relationships?
Could it be that what we truly crave is to experience the deepest form of Love a human can feel for another human? Do we believe that only then will a man truly appreciate us and stay with us forever? Or do we think that by buying family-sized food packages, our home will suddenly feel full, and we won’t have to face the empty rooms of our apartment anymore?
Let me tell you—a fulfilled life is just as valuable and rewarding as having a family.
Open your mind, your heart, and your home, girls! Build meaningful friendships, host get-togethers, attend lectures, immerse yourself in culture. Engage in your community. Do what you truly love!
Set a goal to excel at something. Look at yourself with love and say: “Bravo, I AM WORTH IT! My life is valuable, no matter what.”
Women who bring a child into the world aren’t inherently more accomplished. Nor does getting married mean you’ve made it. They didn’t necessarily find the prince of their dreams in marriage. And having a child doesn’t magically solve all the problems of daily life.
What changes is your purpose. Everything you do carries more meaning. The truth is, a child gives you immense strength. Why? Because it shifts your Life Purpose—the meaning behind everything you do.
But what if… you could achieve the same thing without having a child?
What if you could find meaning and purpose in life in a different way?
For past generations, starting a family was often the main purpose of life. Everything they built, everything they worked for was “to leave something for their children.” It was their motivation to be productive, useful to society—to give their life meaning.
But this Purpose can apply to each of us in a different way. Whether we have children or not.
Let’s make sure to live a full life until the very end. Let’s not forget—we raise children so they can eventually leave us. Not so that we will always have company. The thought terrifies me that, in my old age (whenever that may be!), I might not be surrounded by friends and good company.
Blessing is… feeling love, companionship, tenderness, being creative, and enjoying the fruits of your labor. Feeling loved and accepted, knowing people want you just as you are. These are some of the things that, ideally, you feel when you have your own family.
But what if you could feel all of these things in another way?
And what if that attracted someone into your life who also wanted to feel the same, bringing you together for a shared purpose?
So stop crying, girls—wipe those tears and pull yourselves together.
Get dressed, take care of yourselves, and give yourselves everything you deserve.
Love whoever makes you feel truly good, not just someone who will give you children!
Love your friends’ children, your relatives’ children, orphans, and children in need as if they were your own.
There are so many people out there who want to share in what only you feel and know! People who want to make you their princess—without conditions or expectations. Find them. And live!
Stand Up. Step Up. Boost your self!
With love,
Katerina Athanasiou
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